What To Do With A Mason Jar – 15 Beautiful Ideas
We never get enough of those interesting projects which end up by breathing life into old objects. After all, this is the very beauty of all these changes, perfectly matching all the tastes and needs of yours, turning different things into accessories very useful at home. This time we lay out imagination on a banal object that we run across in the kitchen or the closet. Here is what to do with a mason jar, ranging from simple decorations to practical items.
And since Christmas is just round the corner, let’s start with the decorative side of a jar because, thanks God, we have so many things to say and, especially, to show when it comes to this topic that we will only touch upon today. We are especially fascinated by the lamps and lanterns that spread diffused light in to any corner of the home. Using canola or citronella oil or even Christmas tree lights you can easily craft an accessory that will surely not pass unnoticed by those visiting you. Here are some more ideas in the images below.

What to do with a mason jar – bring light into any corner of the home
And since the primary role of jars is to store, then let’s keep this purpose, while giving it a whole new look, more attractive. Kids’ candies or pencils can be stored in classic jars which undergo some facelift operations, such as different animal figurines stuck to the lid and painted in various colors.

What to do with a mason jar – store in an original and colorful way
Jars can also help you organize yourselves better at home. The sewing kit can be finely adapted to fit into a jar so that the tiny utensils can be within reach next time you need them. Apply the same recipe in the bathroom, too, so you won’t have to keep looking anywhere when in need of something.

What to do with a mason jar – organize yourselves better with help from the small glass container
And since we mentioned small containers, then let’s use them for container gardening, breathing life into any inert corner or wall in your houses. Create small original decors full of color that will give your interiors extra vitality. Choices are also countless, just pick what fits you the best.

What to do with a mason jar – why not bringing nature closer to you
Sources: Countryliving.com, Pinterest.com, Buzzfeed.com