25 Original Christmas Window Design Ideas
The Christmas spirit rests in each of us, but why not spread it all around with a little help? And since there’s no place like home, especially around the winter holidays, then start decorating, in a simple, yet refined manner, so that the whole place gets extra energy and cheer, enough to radiate that authentic spirit of joy we just mentioned. We’ve so far seen countless ideas for Christmas ornaments, but we will take a close look at those decorations that go very well by the window, because it is them that will speak first about hospitality and friendship to those coming to visit. Here are some beautiful Christmas window design ideas.
Let’s start with the beginning: since it’s the Christmas tree’s time, then go embellish the window with bits of this messenger of nature. You have plenty of colorful choices available so that to send out that joy message to all those casting a glance at your house. Of course, wreaths of all sorts are a must in this scenography.

Christmas window design ideas – fir tree wreaths and other natural ornaments
And since any window means light, then bring some more to it and into your homes alike. Ornate with Christmas lights, candles and glass balls that will spread colorful reflections all around. Add some simple other accessories, such as paper made ornaments, that you have within reach to complete the landscape and make it more vibrant.

Christmas window design ideas – bring more light into your homes
And since we mentioned paper, cut and glue to get a powerful effect. Windows adorned with this type of decorations seem to borrow a bit of the cartoon like fascination, taking imaginary forms full of beauty and turning into a genuine theater stage. Don’t hesitate to decorate with paper because the effects will be stunning, as images below clearly prove.

Christmas window design ideas – paper ornaments create a small stage
If you want to add some originality, then suspend on a thread or ribbon anything you find worthy of turning into a captivating décor: balls, gingerbread and fairy-tale figurines, pine cones etc. Hang a small branch as well and turn into a small thematic stage which will also invite to celebration. Rely on simple solutions to attain that consummate beauty that will bring Christmas spirit closer to you and your family.

Christmas window design ideas – hang anything that make a fine and original looking ornament
Sources: Pinterest.com, Digsdigs.com