Suitable Colors for the Kitchen. The Energy You Need to Begin the Day

The kitchen is where everyone in the family starts their day, where you prepare meals you take together, lunchboxes and sweets for the children, often together with them. So it’s only natural you would want a warm, laid-back and energizing atmosphere for those special moments taking place in this room. And the color choice significantly contributes to creating this atmosphere, so you should choose consciously in order to be happy with how your kitchen looks in the long run. Here are some suitable colors for the kitchen in irresistible combinations, you cand choose from according to your personal preferences.

Shades of white, grey, blue, red, yellow and green work great in the kitchen and can really make the room shine. Each of these colors does something else for the kitchen, but they can all help create that welcoming, clean or warm look.

Suitable Colors for the Kitchen. Warm

Red is an excellent choice for your kitchen cabinets or walls. It makes the room stand out and it’s said to stimulate the appetite.

suitable colors for the kitchen

suitable colors for the kitchen

Yellow also stimulates the appetite and makes the room bright and calm, inducing a feeling of well-being. It’s a great choice for small kitchens and works great in combinations with white or grey.

suitable colors for the kitchen

Suitable Colors for the Kitchen. Neutrals

White can really energize the room, making it look perfectly clean and fresh. An all-white kitchen will wake you up the minute you get in, before you even start the coffee. Plus, you can add the accent colors you please on counters or backsplashes.

suitable colors for the kitchen

suitable colors for the kitchen

Grey may seem cold, but the right tone will do wonders in your kitchen. It combines beautifully with a large array of colors to cheer up the room.

suitable colors for the kitchen

suitable colors for the kitchen

Suitable Colors for the Kitchen. Stand-out

In light tones, blue also brings cleanliness and freshness into the room. You can use it on the cabinets, walls and even on the ceiling. If you prefer a dark shade of blue, go right ahead, but balance it with some white, grey or other neutrals, to avoid the room looking too dark or intense.

suitable colors for the kitchen

suitable colors for the kitchen

Green is also an excellent choice for the kitchen, available in so many tones, from apple, to mint green. It works well with white and with wood color. If you are more audacious, try an emerald green on an accent wall, the floor or an island. Choosing green means really energizing the room.

suitable colors for the kitchen

suitable colors for the kitchen

suitable colors for the kitchen

Seelso some design ideas for a more cheerful kitchen.


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