River Stone Walkway Ideas – Seven DIY Projects
There is nothing more spectacular than a walkway winding through a garden, creating that beautiful contrast in that ample green landscape. When the alley is made of river stones, the space leading you into the heart of nature gets, all of a sudden, through its round shapes, a friendlier look while the garden will be a 100 % natural environment. Below are several river stone walkway ideas, a project you can easily do by yourselves at home, with a bit of skills and patience.
Garden remains one of the places where one can best express his or her creativity in different manners. Whether playing with flower beds, decorative shrubs, whether you build a stone alley from reused bricks or other materials and stones of different shapes, the garden will in the end reflect your personality. Below we can see how an owner really wanted to give his creativity a concrete artistic shape, a truly beautiful walkway.

River stone walkway ideas – shapes and colors
When you combine river stones with others of different colors and shapes in unusual patterns, the alley becomes the focal point of the garden. With a pond next to it, the space gets a fairy-tale like look.

River stone walkway ideas – a fairy-tale like image
Mix big flat stones with round shape stones, of different sizes, for a fragmented looking alley, but exquisitely attractive in the end.

River stone walkway ideas – big and small stones
For those romantic people, a river stone walkway with a stepping stone made from a leaf mold is the image which invites to a deep state of relaxation. In our case, the leaf shaped stone perfectly integrates in the surrounding natural environment in all manners.

River stone walkway ideas – shapes from nature
Again, river stones which seem to be popping out of the ground, but shaping a unitary image chromatically, with a pronounced rustic look.

River stone walkway ideas – rustic look
For a more elegant aspect, combine river rocks with decorative stone slabs, especially made of granite. The seemingly sober image they create is offset by garden’s natural colors.

River stone walkway ideas – sober looking stones
You can very easily use river stones to create a transition area from the paved alley to the green space in the garden at the back of your house. You will thus get different color layers which will make your experience among the plants more dynamic.

River stone walkway ideas – stones in different layers
Sources: Boredpanda.com, Pinterest.com, Houzz.com