Practical Kitchen Drawers – 17 Smart Storage Ideas
Those who are fond of cooking know very well there’s never enough space in a kitchen. For this very reason, the experience can become cumbersome, lost among pots, pans and all the other kitchen stuff and electric appliances. But, as it usually happens, it all comes down to organizing the space because, not matter how small, it can eventually be subdued thanks to intelligent storage solutions. So here are some practical kitchen drawers so you can save and use as much space as possible for your hobby.
A drawer may be just a drawer, but if you break it down into small compartments so it can take as much of the kitchen stuff as possible, then you just saved some precious space you can use for other purposes. Here are some more intelligent space saving solutions in the images below.

Practical kitchen drawers – the horizontal solution
Find a place for each of the kitchen ingredients if you put your confidence in this solution below. In a single drawer you get to store more than your imagination can even conceive.

Practical kitchen drawers – there’s a place for all the stuff
It doesn’t all have to happen horizontally. Any available niche in the kitchen cabinet brings a tremendous storage opportunity so don’t ignore it. Layer this space for an increased utility. Some telling images in the images below to inspire you.

Practical kitchen drawers – the vertical solution
Under the wall cabinet you can easily craft another drawer where to store herbs and spices. This is a practical solution which makes use of a space with much potential, but barely taken advantage of.

Practical kitchen drawers – the secret drawer under the suspended cabinet
Another practical idea is to layer the drawers where you keep the cutlery. You won’t have to hang them on the walls anymore as long there’s plenty of space for them in here, keeping the kitchen airy.

Practical kitchen drawers – layer for extra space
Pots and pans take up less space when stored vertically. If you store them in the classic manner, one on top of the other you may lose the space of a whole drawer, while the suggested solution comes with immediate effects in terms of efficient organization.

Practical kitchen drawers – two solutions to store pans
Here are more practical kitchen storage ideas, intelligent solutions helping you to turn the experience of cooking into one as supposed to be, relaxing.

Practical kitchen drawers – don’t waste anything available