Plants That Help You Sleep – Nature’s Soothing Effect
Sleepless nights or insufficient sleep can take their toll on our energy, productivity, mood and overall quality of life. There are many remedies but, before seeing a doctor, try to find the solution in nature, as in many other cases. Let it inside your homes because one way to ensure a better quality of sleep is to fill your home with beautiful flowers and plants. Besides looking great and bringing vitality and life to your living spaces, they can have fantastic relaxing and purifying benefits, contributing to a good night sleep. Below are several plants that help you sleep:
Jasmine is one of ideal plants for this type of therapy, with experts proving it has a relaxing effect on the body and mind. It has been shown in one study to reduce anxiety levels, leading to a greater quality of sleep, thanks to the strong fragranced flowers which are an all senses delight.

Plants that help you sleep – jasmine
Lavender is a sun loving plant, known for its strong and pleasant fragrance. Lavender can actually help treat insomnia and anxiety. Researchers recognize that inhaling its scent can unleash soothing, sedating effects when we breathe in the fragrance from lavender plants, lowering the heart rate, blood pressure and the levels of stress.

Plants that help you sleep – lavender
They say about gardenia that it is as efficient as sleeping pills. The conclusion belongs to German researchers who tested it on mice, proving these flowers are as efficient as Valium.

Plants that help you sleep – gardenia
Another decorative plant which perfectly integrates in any room, including the bathroom, is the snake plant. It is one of the most low-maintenance plants you can grow while this low-light plant filters out formaldehyde, common in cleaning products, toilet paper, tissues—and even some cosmetics, purifying the air and inducing sleep.

Plants that help you sleep – snake plant
Aloe vera again, an easy-to-grow, sun-loving succulent helps clear formaldehyde, a toxic chemical product found in carpet and furniture glues, and benzene, which can be a byproduct of chemical-based cleaners, paints and more. Aloe is also smart choice for a sunny kitchen window while, beyond its air-clearing abilities, the gel inside an aloe plant can help heal cuts and burns. Experts say that when the level of toxins in our homes reaches a high level, the plant develops some brown spots, alerting us.

Plants that help you sleep – aloe vera
Gerbera daisy a big bright flowering plant which removes trichloroethylene which may be brought inside with dry cleaning. It also filters benzene and it is recommended you have one in the room if you suffer from apnea and various allergies.

Plants that help you sleep – gerbera