Home Decorating Ideas – Clever and Wacky Solutions
We often run into problems concerning space and aesthetics at home or issues that do not comply with our need for practical solutions. This is why ingenious ideas have to be told, promoted and spread like a rumor. In this context, we have come up with this article showing several clever and at the same time wacky home decorating ideas which will help you find your way around the house and turn the place into a completely functional space.
As journalists with Huffington Post, those who compiled this list, also point out, some of these ideas are crazy and funny and difficult to carry out, not necessarily because they are hard to implement, but because we lack the guts to make such steep changes in our homes.
The first idea, in the practical solutions category, is easy to put into practice and concerns housing the knives properly. If we just put them in a drawer, we risk cutting ourselves when not paying enough attention, while sometimes they just take a lot of space on the kitchen counter. In the image below, the owner built a knife drawer in the odd-sized space between the cooker and the cabinet.

Home decorating ideas – the knife drawer
We do not go far from mobile devices and move on to the rotating sink. Of course, this calls for a larger space in the kitchen, but, if you have it, the rotating sink will prove really helpful and you will find yourself moving like a DJ in a disco club. The rotating sink is the invention of a kitchen and bath design specialized company.

Home decorating ideas – the rotating sink
Nothing stands in the way of the human need for relaxation, especially in these tumultuous times. And when imagination helps you, you get want you want. In this case, a swinging bed in the middle of the nature. Made of an old wooden pallet, the hammock like bed will sooth your evenings and will arouse neighbors’ envy at the same time.

Home decorating ideas – the hammock-bed
The next two solutions concern space, a ubiquitous problem in every home. The triple bunk beds are the practical answer to the need of space in kids’ room. The second helps you find storage space where you expect the least: under the stairs. We have to admit the idea is brilliant!

Home decorating ideas – the triple bed

Home decorating ideas – storage space under the stairs
The last of these home decorating ideas of different kinds bring extra color and…metal to your kitchen. It also gives a new meaning to throwing money into flooring, as Huffington Post quips.

Home decorating ideas – coin covered floor