Garden summer house design ideas
Gardens are becoming a usual sight around houses, regardless of the surface. People’s need for nature, fresh air and tranquility translates into green pockets wherever space permits, with visible effects on our mental health. If you have a large garden, it is by all means recommended you also include in the landscape a small summer house, your refuge for a total state of relaxation. It can serve various practical purposes, but the best goal is finding in it the right place to collect your thoughts and invigorate after a hard day’s work.
Offers come in a variety of shapes and designs, as expected. We have picked several garden summer house design ideas to inspire you making the best choice, considering the space you have and, of course, your tastes. The first idea is a spruce made cabin with a height of 2.04 meters. Walls are almost three centimeters thick while the wooden floor is about two centimeters thick.
The house has a shutter covered window, with extra natural light coming through the openings in the door, while the roof rests on two centimeters thick wooden beams. The price stands around 600 USD.

Garden summer house design ideas – spruce fir cabin

The second idea is a double door wooden cabin which features the same coordinates as the one before. The price is lightly higher, around 650 USD. Designers say that, besides is primary role as space of respite, both these small wooden houses can be used for storage, whether gardening tools or something else. For instance, they add, the double door cabin can easily store a bike or even a motorcycle.

Garden summer house design ideas – double door garden house

Of course, the garden summer house can look different from a simple wooden cabin. If the space allows you, you can choose the idea shown below, a genuine little house where you can take refuge overnight, more elegant and welcoming. The small porch is an extra space for leisure while the hanging potted flowers gives the small wooden house a hospitable air. The chromatic contrast on the outside perfectly integrates the house into the surrounding landscape.

Garden summer house design ideas – the porch garden house
The next model keeps the same overall design lines, but is roomier and higher.

Garden summer house design ideas – a roomier design