20 Brilliant DIY Cork Decoration Ideas

At the beginning of the week, we were discussing the interior decorations again and if in the past few weeks we were talking about general arrangement rules, today we were discussing the unprecedented decorations. Specifically, about the decorations in Cork corks that you can achieve with your loved ones. What we’re talking about, we see in the ranks below.

20 Brilliant DIY Cork Decoration Ideas

Cork is a waterproof material that is obtained from the raft tree. Thanks to its resistance but also impermeabilitatii, the cork is used for a variety of products, the most common of which are the corks of wine and champagne. Thus, if you have the house without frame mirrors or a simple wall clock, they can get an unedited form if you confectiona a frame from cork corks. Also, a wreath made from cork corks is very light and can be hung in the right of a window or doorway.

Another object that can be made from the corks is the bath mat, very useful because the cork is resistant to moisture and easily clean. And a pot rack can be a useful object in the house, because the raft is resistant to high temperatures. Last but not least, if you have a simple wall, you can customize it with a wall bracket that you can hang jewelry, a keychain or post-it. Here are 20 images to inspire yourself in::

Foto: pinterest.com



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