Small Tricks for Organizing a Kitchen. 5 Simple Solutions for More Comfort

The kitchen is the space in the house that has to be the the most functional and practical. And there are several ways to organize it, creating sufficient and accessible storage spots and leaving enough free space to feel comfortable, depending on the space you have available. Today, we suggest a few small tricks for organizing a kitchen that work in any type of room.

Go clear

Go for more open shelves, rather than cabinets, and for nice sets of glass containers to store plenty of food items like sugar, cereals or pasta. It’s both aesthetically-pleasing and practical, as you will know when you’re running low on some ingredient all the time.

small tricks for organizing a kitchen

Small tricks for organizing a kitchen. The doors

Use the doors of your cabinets to store some of the things you need to reach for more often. The inside of your pantry door is a great place for using this storage solution. You can easily install basket shelves there in order to gain a lot of extra storage room.

small tricks for organizing a kitchen

Small tricks for organizing a kitchen. Hang what you can

There’s no need to try to stuff everything in your dish cabinets where there’s not enough space. Your everyday mugs will be just fine on a slide-out rack you can easily install where you see fit.

small tricks for organizing a kitchen

Small tricks for organizing a kitchen. Layers

Create layers inside your cabinets for a more organized space and for items to be easier to find and reach for. Place your dishes neatly on racks installed inside the cabinet.

small tricks for organizing a kitchen

Small tricks for organizing a kitchen. Reuse

Reuse throw-away items as smart storage solutions. These empty cans are great for keeping your cooking utensils within reach, saving you drawer space and money.

small tricks for organizing a kitchen


Here are some more ideas for a smart, practical design of your kitchen.

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