How to make the best mayonnaise

 No doubt, mayonnaise is a festive ingredient, at least for romanians. This is not only used for boeuf salad, but is the base ingredient of many other ideal dishes for this period of the year.
And because we know that there are many variants of mayonnaise, we have prepared in the folowing rows below a recipe appreciated by many housewives. In the end, we have a look at a few things you can do with mayonnaise. That way, you can inspire yourself from our list, if you have not yet decided upon the Christmas menu.

How to make the best mayonnaise. Recipe

The first and one of the most important things you need to do is make sure that the ingredients you’re going to use are at room temperature.
INGREDIENTS for 200 ml of mayonnaise:
  • two yolks;
  • a glass of oil;
  • A teaspoon of classic mustard;
  • One teaspoon of vinegar/lemon juice;
  • Salt and white pepper, to taste.
Put the yolks and mustard in a bowl, add salt and pepper, to taste, then mix them well with a whisk, using rotation movements. Gradually add the oil in thin thread and continue mixing until it incorporates everything. If you want, you can use the blender. In the end, add the vinegar (or lemon juice, depending on what you choose to use) and mix until the ingredients are well combined. The mayonnaise is ready! Use it in your favorite dishes.


How to make the best mayonnaise. How can you use it

If you still do not know what to prepare for the holidays, here are some foods that mayonnaise can accompany successfully:
  • Terina meat, fish or vegetable-mayonnaise is the main ingredient of the recipe;
  • Tartar sauce for steak, fish or vegetable. Mayonnaise makes them  sweet;
  • It can be combined with various vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, peppers, cherry tomatoes;
  • Mayonnaise is excellent also for salads: salad with potatoes, pasta, avocado, celery, cabbage and carrots, for example. Last but not least, it’s the basic ingredient of the famous Beouf salad.

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