Flowers to plant in the fall for your spring garden

Even though this time of the year we see the last flowers in our garden fade away, we have to take advantage of the rainy and cold autumn weather to plant for the spring. Snowdrops, tulips, daffodils and hyacinths are all flowers to plant in the fall, so we can easily find the bulbs on the market these days.

We can plant them starting in September, when the weather gets colder, until December, before the first frost.

Fall flower bulbs have to be put in well drained soil, in sunny or partially shady areas. As a general rule, the depth of the planting pit has to be three times the bulbs’ height, but if the bulbs are small and the stem is longer than 25 inches, they have to be planted deeper, to avoid the breaking or leaning of the stems.

The bulbs must be watered once or twice, but only if the weather is still warm and dry. If you’re facing a very cold winter, the planting area must be covered with dried leaves, to protect the bulbs from freezing.

The bulbs will be blooming starting in February, with the snowdrops and the crocuses, until June, when the irises bloom.

When the flowers wither, you can leave the bulbs in the ground, for next spring, but you will have to space them out, in 3 – 4 years’ time, because otherwise they will bear more leaves than flowers. You can get them out after the flowers wither and replant them in autumn. If you do so, keep the bulbs wrapped in paper bags or old newspapers, in a dark and cool place.

Flowers to plant in the fall. Snowdrops

flowers to plant in the fall snowdrops
Snowdrop bulbs must be planted 3 – 4 inches deep, in fertile soil, in bright or shady places. Like most fall flower bulbs, snowdrops need a well drained soil, but don’t leave it over-dry in the summer. The ideal soil for snowdrops is the one that can be naturally found in the woods – rich in humus and retaining some moisture. You can add organic fertilizer as you prepare the planting area.

Flowers to plant in the fall. Crocuses

flowers to plant in the fall crocus
Crocus bulbs are to be planted 6-10 cm deep, in loose soil. After you plant them, it is recommended that you cover the soil with some sand.

Flowers to plant in the fall. Tulips

flowers to plant in the fall tulips
Tulip bulbs are planted 2.5 – 4 inches deep. It’s recommended to fix the bulb in 1 inch deep grinded soil on the bottom of the pit. Tulips grow perfectly in the shadow as well as in bright places, so you can plant the bulbs almost anywhere in your garden. Keep a 4 – 5 inches spacing between them.

Flowers to plant in the fall. Hyacinths

flowers to plant in the fall hyacinth
Plant the hyacinth bulbs 4,5 – 6 inches deep and keep a minimum of 4 inch spacing between the plants.

Flowers to plant in the fall. Freesias

flowers to plant in the fall freesia

For freesias to abundantly bloom in spring, plant the bulbs in a bright place. You will need well-drained, light soil and you can add sand and organic fertilizer. Grind and water it well one or two days before planting. Choose a cloudy day for planting.

Flowers to plant in the fall. Daffodils

flowers to plant in the fall daffodils
Daffodils prefer bright or partially shaded areas and they can’t stand heavy and wet soils, in which their bulbs rot. The bulbs should be planted 4,5 – 6 inches deep with 2 – 4 inches spacing.

Flowers to plant in the fall. Irises

flowers to plant in the fall irises
These flowers are more sensitive than the others. Treat the soil with a fungicide to ensure their health. Plant the bulbs 6 inches deep in a mixture of soil, peat and sand. Keep a 10 – 12 inches spacing between the bulbs.

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