Desserts For Valentine’s Day. Three Romantic and Fancy Sweets

If you celebrate Valentine’s Day, it’s your chance to indulge in a rich, fancy dessert with your sweetheart. Chocolate and red berries are always the best choice for this special occasion. Here are 3 desserts for Valentine’s Day, that look and taste amazing.

Desserts For Valentine’s Day. Lemon-flavored Panna Cotta

desserts for Valentine's Day


  • 10 oz milk
  • 6.7 oz whipped cream
  • 9 oz sugar
  • 2 sachets gelatine (0.7 oz)
  • 1 vanilla sugar
  • lemon essence
  • frozen wild berries


Warm up the milk in a saucepan. Add the sugar and mix until it dissolves. Put aside the tray and add the liquid cream, hydrated gelatine, lemon essence and vanilla sugar. Whisk the mixture and let it heat, but not boil.

Cool some glasses with cold water and fill them with this mixture, leaving room for the fruit. For a fancier look, you can pour the mixture on the diagonal. Refrigerate for 3-4 hours before serving.

Make a wildberries pure with sugar and add it to the pudding. Dress with some whole berries.


Desserts for Valentine’s Day. Chocolate and sour cherry cake

desserts for Valentine's Day


The dough:

  • 3 spoons milk
  • 4 egg whites
  • 4 yolks
  • 6 oz sugar
  • 6.1 oz soft butter
  • 1 salt
  • 1 oz cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 7 oz flour
  • 3.8 oz dark chocolate

The chocolate cream

  • 7 oz frozen cherries or wild berries
  • 8 oz powder sugar
  • 6.1 oz liquid cream (no sugar)
  • 7 oz dark chocolate

The dressing

  • 3.5 oz cherry compote
  • whipped cream

Set your oven to 180 degrees and coat a baking tray with oil and baking parchment. If you have a heart-shaped tray, use that one. Defrost the fruits in a bowl. When ready, spill out the water.

Melt the chocolate and let it cool down. Separately, strain the flour, and mix it with the baking powder, cocoa powder and salt. Whisk the butter and sugar together until foamy. Add the chocolate mixture and the yolks one by one. Gradually, add the flour and milk, and thoroughly mix. Whisk the egg whites and slowly add them too, using a spatula. Pour the mixture into the baking parchment tray, and bake for 25 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the chocolate cream: melt the chocolate, gradually add liquid cream and when they are deeply mixed, remove it from fire. Sprinkle the sugar powder while medium speed mixing, until the mixture gets foamy.

When the dough is cold, cut it in half and fill with the chocolate cream. If you don’t have a heart-shape tray, try shaping the cake with a metal frame or a special knife. Over the cream, add the cherries and the upper dough. The remaining chocolate cream goes to the top of it,
then dress in cream, sugar powder or compote fruits, as you desire.


Desserts for Valentine’s Day. Chocolate and meringue cake

desserts for Valentine's Day


The meringue:

  • 4 egg whites
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1,5 cup sugar

The filling:

12.3 oz grated chocolate
5 teaspoons espresso powder
1 salt
4 yolks
1 cup refrigerated cream
2 teaspoons kahula liqueur

The topping;

1 cup refrigerated cream
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
14.1 oz strawberries or sliced raspberries (optional)
1/4 cup grated chocolate (optional)

The meringue: set the oven to 275 degrees. Decorate a tray with oil and baking parchment. Whisk the egg whites with salt and when they get frothy, add the sugar (gradually, by sprinkling). Finally, add the vanilla and continuously mix at high speed (use a mixer, or even a whisk), until they
become very hard. Place the composition into the baking tray and bake for 1 hour and a quarter. Then, remove and let it cool down.

The filling: heat the chocolate, espresso powder, salt and water until the chocolate dissolves. Continuously mix, then add the yolk one by one and let it cool down. Mix the cream and liqueur, then add them to the cold chocolate cream. Refrigerate the mixture. When ready, put the filling over the kiss and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

When it’s hard enough, remove it from the tray, place on a plate, top it with cream and vanilla and dress with strawberries or raspberries and grated chocolate.


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