Decorative Vegetable Garden Ideas – Stylish Green
There’s nothing more interesting than taking care of a garden where the harvest the crop in autumn while, in the meantime, enjoying a savory and colorful landscape in which the very vegetables are the central decorative pieces. We are used to seeing the garden from strictly a practical perspective, without heeding the aesthetic aspect of it. To inspire you in setting up a truly expressive space, here are some decorative vegetable garden ideas.
A garden that has it all: a wooden pergola, with side walls used to support a vertical garden, flower and vegetable beds so neatly arranged so to delight the eye through a symmetry of colors and forms. The pole bean, cabbage, lettuce, onions and many other veggies in a well-designed succession pleasing the eye.

Decorative vegetable garden ideas – balanced landscape
Again, a tasteful vegetable combination in which vegetables in ground beds or on trellis alternates with small fruit trees such as citrus or figs and corn fields. The little straw bale comes to add an interesting accent in the wide green mass.

Decorative vegetable garden ideas – veggies, corn and fruit trees
The pole bean stands out again, as versatile as it is, taking over every little surface it comes across. This time the savvy gardener was so inspired to give the plant an arch like shape over the garden entries in an overall décor replete with natural beauty.

Decorative vegetable garden ideas – versatile pole bean
Different species of cabbage, along tomatoes and flowers in various colors – a landscape exuding a chromatic balance, full of harmony, where you enjoy just idling on two chairs.

Decorative vegetable garden ideas – cabbage and flowers
And if you want to bring a little dynamism to your garden, then set the veggies in motion. Winding rows of different species of cabbage and lettuce are a choice which, besides its expected visual impact, makes harvesting a pleasant task.

Decorative vegetable garden ideas – winding beds
If the space permits, create small islands where to grow different vegetables, alternating with flower beds and cabbage borders. The effect is guaranteed!

Decorative vegetable garden ideas – small veggie islands
Tomatoes, lettuce and hot peppers in snug beds where flowers also show up – the image imparts vegetable opulence and a chromatic harmony which tempts you to spend all your free time amid the green corner behind the house.

Decorative vegetable garden ideas – snug beds of vegetables and flowers
Below are several other telling pictures which show veggies can also play a decorative role in the garden.